
Abbotsmede Community Primary School

I feel I must write and say how impressed I have been with the work that NAPTA has done in the school.

We have always had the view that schools are not just for developing children; hence, we have a strong ethos of professional and personal development.

The skills identification work done with all support staff was invaluable in allowing staff to acknowledge their skills and aptitudes.

The work done by NAPTA, and the Development Resources which we were able to access, has enabled our workforce to gain skills to improve their roles in the school.

Even though the school is in a challenging area, we have no difficulty in recruitment and retention, as we have a good reputation for the professional development that our staff have access to. This is, I am sure, down to the input of your organisation.

Brenda Wright, Headteacher, Abbotsmede Community Primary School, Peterborough

NAPTA, 10 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1JP — tel 01223 224930 — email